4 days ago2 minCelebrating Innovative Dietitians in a Three-Part SeriesIn this inspiring three-part series, we shine a spotlight on the incredible contributions of Dietitians who are impacting their communities.
Feb 9, 20171 minNutrition Strategies for a Healthy WeightI am currently collaborating with the Westat Fitness Center to give nutrition presentations for special programs. Here's one of my...
Feb 9, 20171 minWinning the Low Sugar ChallengeI am currently collaborating with the Westat Fitness Center to give nutrition presentations for special programs. Here's another one of...
May 10, 20151 minOvercoming Nutrition Road BlocksI created my first Prezi presentation for the Healthy Steps program at Westat. It was fun and a good change from PowerPoint. If you...
Sep 23, 20111 minWhat is NNDC 2012?As part of my job, I'm helping to plan the National Nutrient Databank Conference. What is that? A meeting for the people who create...